Yesterday I had the most horrible date of my life. I am still in shock and I swear this is a true story

I met this girl through a mutual friend they are not very close but she said she is a great girl and that we should meet each other so we saw each other with our mutual friend, and after that we started texting which was awesome she was so kind, funny, smart… we have been texting each other for a month and it is been great.

So some days ago I decided to ask her on a date I proposed to go to eat sushi because we both love it, so since she does not have driver license yet I told her that I will go and pick her at his house then we both could go, so I picked her and eveything was great until we arrived to the restaurant.

When we take a seat for eating I told her I was gonna go to the bathroom and wash my hands she replied:” why the hell would you wash your hands? I do not wash my hands before eating”, I was shocked and I only said: well okay but I feel more comfortable if I go, and so I went.

After that the meal was simply horrible, she burped eveytime and not only burping, she also farted but not even hiding it she literally said: SHIT, I HAVE A FART and started farting and the same with burping I was disguted honestly and also so confuse like what the hell?

And while the meal we were talking and she did not let me talk for almost the entire meal it was completely different from her messages, she was the one who talked the entire time saying how great the course she is studying is saying how she is gonna be paid in the future a lot (We are both 20 so we are study not like working totally) I told her that was great and that I expected the same for mi career when I finished it and she literally reply: “well…I am sorry but your career can be well paid but it is definitely not cool ( I study software enginering) I think you should leave it and study my course” I was more shocked.

(DISCLAIMER: In my country there are two options to study, careers in colleges or PF which means: Professional Formation and the second one is a course of two years and it is more focused on preparing you for working soon, I do not have any discrimination against people who studies PF I did not care she was in PF it is as valid as any other option)

So back to the story I was shocked and really upset, she was criticizing my career while farting and burping and I told her: “But in messages you said you liked my career” she replied to me: “well yeah I did not want to be rude but now I want to be true”.

After the meal she told me that she had to go to the bathroom and when she came back she told me LITERALLY: “Fuck there was no toilet paper I had to use my sock” and she had her shock in the hand at that point I was just crying internally.

After that I was like: well… okey I have to go, you know, so I said okay I will take you back to your house.

I took her back and I was like: okey, bye, and she said: “nonon come over” I was like: nono do not worry I do not have so much time you know, she insisted and at the end I entered but I was not there for more than 5 minutes It was impossible.

When I entered I noticed a hard smell of weed, there was weed and dust sparced everywhere on the floor, desks, wardrobe, everywhere, and she told me: while grabbing weed from a desk: “This is what you fucking need to stop being so nice” then I look at the floor and I saw some cockroaches she told me that she and her parents do not like cleaning and that they just live life, I told her: “You know I am sorry but I can not be here for long” and I went back to my car, she has texted me saying that I have a problem and that I shoud change my career and study something cool, I blocked her.

I am honestly still in shocked and also upset because I do not know who that person of those messages were like she was a complete different person on messages than in real life and idk, also I am a little bit hopeless because this was like my first serious date with someone I have had another ones but not like serious because it was more like lets go to the park, drink and eat some chips.

Anyway I wanted to share this and basically venting.

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