Telling My Husband Correct Information About A Croissant?

I (38) brought my husband (45) home a chocolate croissant. I told him “I got you a chocolate croissant”. When he looked in the bag he said “I thought you said you got a chocolate croissant? This isn’t a croissant.” I told him that’s what the bakery and many people call a chocolate croissant and he could google to confirm. He said “A croissant is a specific shape. This is not a croissant.” I googled “chocolate croissant” and showed him that what he had in front of him was considered a croissant. He then became very angry, yelling and accusing me of “always having to be right”. He said that his criticism was about the croissant and not me, and the fact that I had to “prove him wrong” was a deep failing in me and that I’m “just like my father”. I told him in no way did I take anything personally, and I didn’t want to prove him wrong, just share information about what is considered a croissant, as he was so firmly against the information I told him. This ended in him yelling more, storming off and closing the door to our bedroom. Nothing inside me wants to prove him wrong – also if he didn’t consider it a croissant (even though others may) that’s fine!

On my side, I know having someone say “well actually…” must be annoying sometimes. I could have just ignored him and let him believe whatever he wants; who really cares what he believes a croissant is? But I am someone who likes facts and sharing opinions, and I am happy to be wrong and learn something new. Am I wrong to assume his response would be “oh! cool! I didn’t know that!” instead of lashing out and accusing me of needing to be right? Am I the asshole for sharing correct information about a croissant?

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