I recently lost my son and don’t know how to deal with potential speakers at the funeral

I recently lost my son in an accident. my entire family and I are upset beyond belief and miss him dearly. We will of course hold a proper funeral service for him and I’m sure that more than a few tears will be shed.

With regards to speakers, I have found myself in a strange dilemma. He moved away in his early twenties to another city. Before he left, he was always something of a loner, with no real friends. Now, after his passing, I’m hearing from many friends of his in the city he moved to.

They all describe hmm as being an incredibly open, outgoing, and incredibly sociable person. This is just not how anyone in the family has ever known him. He was always incredibly quiet and meek among other people for as long as we’ve known him.

A coupe people have asked if they may say a few words during his funeral, and one person was so kind as to give a rough outline of the eulogy he intended to give. It was beautifully written, but in some ways, I can’t help but feel that it’s about a person I’ve never met.

I don’t want to disrespect the friends my son has immediately before his death, but I’m also having trouble identifying speakers for his funeral, because on top of his death, I’m only suddenly finding out about another side to his personality.

I should mention, it’s not possible that this is mistaken identity. Many of his friends have shared photos of him with me.

Now he funeral is approaching, and I don’t know ow to handle the speakers. I love my son, and the people who have offered their condolences are wonderful, but finding out about a social life I ever knew about just breaks my heart. In a way, I don’t think I can handle hearing about it right now.

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