Grandma Wins The Internet’s Praise For Respecting Her Son’s Parenting Rules

When you have kids, it’s a joyous occasion. But once those kids grow up, they develop their own sense of being. And once your children start having their own kids, it’s a whole new ballgame, huh?

Often grandparents can try to influence the way their kids raise the grandkids, but that’s not the case with this one grandma who recently went viral on TikTok. She has a different approach , and it’s really refreshing to see.

She has frequently stepped in to babysit her grandson. But when she saw a video on TikTok with one grandmother frowning upon receiving instructions from her kids on how to take care of her grandchildren she wanted to chime in.

So, she stitched together a video of her own.
In it, she talks about being happy to receive detailed instructions on how to take care of her grandson. It’s not that she isn’t able to figure it out herself, it’s about respecting the parents’ wishes.

And just because Gwenith raised five children, it doesn’t mean she has to do it the same way with her grandkids . In fact, she’s happy to ask her son and daughter-in-law to give her instructions.

She stresses that being a grandma has nothing to do with flaunting your experience or strong-arming your kids into doing things her way. It’s about respect. She wants to help her children raise their kids how they want to.

So when she receives directions on feeding schedules and so on she welcomes them.

After she posted her video to TikTok a lot of people chimed in with their opinions. Many of them were parents who appreciated her comments.

These parents felt validated by what she was saying.

I guess they must’ve experienced some meddling in their families, and they were glad to see somebody stand up for them. Gwenith believes that it’s not beneficial to anyone to belittle your children for their parenting style.