Can’t be a husband or dad due to fungus

So yeah… as the title says, around a month ago I noticed a little bit of itchiness in my nether region, it looked fine albeit a little bit dry, I brushed it off at the time.

This was a big mistake… it took only a couple of days for it to start really itching, not just there but also in one of my armpits, my beard and my nasal ridges. The skin seemed just very dry and irritated at first, then not a day later came small skin blemishes around the irritated area… a diagnosis revealed it to be a fungal skin infection. I probably had it for a while, it was just dormant and asymptomatic.

I initially started using a topical anti fungal cream but the fungal village rapidly grew out to a fully fletched fungal city over the next few days despite consistent topical application. I was switched over to other creams but this too seemed to have no effect. It just kept getting worse, I’ll spare you the photos. it started to affect my sleep, the gp then prescribed me pills, they however make me incredibly sick, in no state to drive a pregnant wife to the hospital should this be necessary.

On that subject, I’m going to be a dad soon, hooray! My wife however was not at all pleased with the sudden onset of this aggressive skin condition and (justly so) has taken sex off the table this past month. This sucks but to be fair I’m not in any state to enjoy it now anyway.

I’ve been informed that outside of the pills my only remaining option is to effectively treat the symptoms and wait it out, let the body clean out the infection by itself. This however… can take a very long time… months to years.

Which leads us to our ob-gyn appointment today. My condition was discussed, considering the aggressive nature of this fungal infection and the fact that it seems resistant to treatment, I have been effectively banned from being a dad… once born… no skin-to-skin contact, no bathing and urged to wear gloves when touching the newborn for the first 3~6 months….. this just broke my heart…..

Between sleeping on the couch (due to constant tossing turning) and tiredness I’m so fed up… I miss my wife … I miss our intimacy… I miss sleeping without feeling the desire to burn my skin off….. I want to be a dad without having to go part methcook just to pick the little one up… smh…

But we’re not finished yet…, the sudden onset of fungal skin infections this extreme can be an indicator of an underlying issue, such as diabetes… so more medical check ups will follow….. F…M…L….

Thanks for hearing me out reddit, even if no one reads it, this has already been therapeutic.

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