TikTok Star Comes Out As ‘Trigender’ And Explains What It Means

A TikToker who came out as ‘Trigender’ in 2022 has explained what they meant.Emily Skvarch shared the great news that they identify as Trigender – a term that many online had never heard before and were confused about.

Skvarch uses She/He/They pronouns. Sharing to her followers on the app, she said: “A little birdie told me that Facebook trumpets have come to my comment section yet again and it’s all based on that same two-and-a-half-year-old video of me first coming out on the internet.”

“Hi, I’m Emily and I go by any pronouns because I am trigender. Sort of like triangle, I am trigender: it means three,” they said.

“I am a man, a woman, and non-binary, all at once [and] all the time.”

“I would suppose that it’s similar to gender fluid and that you feel a range of gender, and for me I feel a large portion of that range at all times rather than flowing through that range like a gender fluid person would.”

“I kinda like who am I as a person,” Emily continued. “So I am not planning on changing my triangleness anytime soon and you will never be able to take that away from me.”

VeryWellMind state that the term trigender comes under the category of people who identify with more than one gender, which also includes bigender, pangender or gender fluidity.